Is a Dental Implant Going to be Painful?
Posted on: 5 April 2021
If you have a missing or severely damaged tooth, you may have been thinking about dental implants. Some people are reluctant to undergo dental procedures due to fear that the process will be painful. As such, you're probably wondering—will a dental implant hurt?
During the Procedure
You will be anaesthetised for the implantation, using procaine or something with comparable effectiveness. The only discomfort involved is when the needle penetrates your gingival tissue, but the effects will then be quick, and your entire jaw will become numb. You won't feel anything while your dentist works, aside from some mild pressure when the implant is positioned. This will even be a curious sensation, as the pressure will not be accompanied by any pain.
After the Procedure
Some patients can then begin to use over-the-counter pain relief, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. In many cases, no further pain management is needed. If you're particularly concerned about your potential for pain (which is especially relevant if you know you have a low pain threshold), your dentist might be able to provide a prescription for something stronger. As you will need someone to drive you home after the procedure, this is the time to stop and fill the prescription. It's important to take this additional pain relief as the initial anaesthetic begins to wear off, and you can ask your dentist about the best timing.
Swelling and Bruising May Appear
You will then be able to manage any discomfort with this prescribed medication or over-the-counter pain relief, which will be most applicable in the days immediately following your implant surgery. There can be swelling, and even the appearance of bruising during these days, and you may feel a sense of fatigue. This is why it's important to follow your dentist's aftercare instructions and to remember that you have undergone surgery that requires recuperation time.
Eating and Drinking
It's also fairly easy to inadvertently aggravate the site of the implant. This is quite logical, and it's not surprising that foods and drinks that are acidic or spicy, or too hot or cold, can cause discomfort. Your dentist should provide you with a list of guidelines when it comes to what to eat and drink.
So does a dental implant actually hurt? While it's not painful, it's unrealistic to expect that you won't experience any discomfort. However, this discomfort can easily be managed by using appropriate pain relief, and by carefully following your dentist's aftercare instructions.